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Warrantee or warranty - Mixed messages and misused words from A to Z

What’s the difference between warrantee and warranty?

It’s personal … and professional.

A warranty is an assurance, guarantee, or confirmation of something like a document, deal, purchase, or product. It legally protects both parties in a professional agreement.
A warrantee is a person to whom a warranty is offered by a warrantor.

Here’s an instance where these words apply.

The customer selected the newest, most high-tech vacuum cleaner and asked the seller about the product’s warranty.

“As warrantor,” the seller answered, “I offer you, as the warrantee, a solid three-year warranty on the vacuum.”

And that’s a wrap.

Wondering if this mixed-up words message is unwarranted? Go get a warrant!

(OK, I gotta write a post about get and got. Maybe next month, after the A to Z Challenge is over.)

Misused word pair
Created by this user
At CoolText
 Abused and misused word graphics
adapted from public domain artwork

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  1. How many blogs do you have in the Challenge?! I'm impressed!

    This makes a lot of sense, though I can't recall seeing the -tee part anywhere. I suppose those who work in sales would use it all the time.

  2. Nice examples using all three in one sentence! And great job clarifying the difference.


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