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Gild and Guild - Mixed messages and misused words from A to Z

Gild and Guild - Mixed messages and misused words from A to Z

Glory be! What’s the difference between gild and guild?

Don’t flip your gills over this one.

First, gild is a verb, and guild is a noun. That’s a pretty clear tip-off. But the meanings of these two words are anything but interchangeable as well.

To gild something is to coat it with gold. A gilded art frame, for instance, may be covered in gold leaf. A guild is an establishment of like-minded people, such as a club or a special-interest organization.

Take a gander at this example of good uses of gild and guild.

Our guide, a member of the gold leaf guild, pointed out the glorious gilding on the guild’s golden gate. “It takes great skill to gild like that,” the guide said.


Misused word pair
Created by this user
At CoolText
 Abused and misused word graphics
adapted from public domain artwork

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  1. Your post just made my head spin. Thanks for the lessons.

  2. Interesting post. I have always been fascinated by words that look and sound alike but have different meanings.

  3. I'm glad I came across this blog. I bookmarked it and will be here often as I have my own blog, too.

  4. This was really fun! Thank you!

  5. Very clever concept. I enjoyed that. :)



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